To install the Pi-hole Docker image, you could follow the directions on the Pi-hole GitHub or DockerHub pages to create a script that can be executed to run Pi-hole in Docker. You will need to log out and back in or reboot your Raspberry Pi in order for the group change to occur. A single command on the terminal is all you need: Installing Docker on the Raspberry Pi is quite simple. After experiencing a few issues with installing Pi-hole (which was likely my fault for not following directions), I tried running Pi-hole as a Docker image. I decided to give it a try on the Raspberry Pi since Pi-hole is a perfect light weight application to install on a low power single board computer. , but it is currently supported on a variety of hardware platforms.

Pi-hole was originally designed to run on a Raspberry Pi (affiliate link) Even if your router has the logs available, it normally does not aggregate and display the data in a user-friendly format. Normally this information is either not visible or in logs buried on your router’s web interface (possibly under the advanced DNS settings). The high level statistics compiled by Pi-hole provides a much greater insight to what is going on in your home network. Pi-hole even has the ability to block network requests to malicious domains if the domain name is contained in one of the block lists. It does this by blocking known ad serving domains. Pi-hole is open source software which provides ad blocking (and more) for your entire home network.