If you stay longer on a position he will throw the bombs and you will die instantly. The most important thing is to avoid the red bombs on the ground from the boss. Use time vision to detect the remaining enemies and kill them all using time rush and melee. Get in cover and let time rush refill to 25% it can be used again. After the cutscene run down the ramp with time rush and melee the first enemy in front of you. Melee works only in combination with time rush and kills enemies instantly with one hit. My strategy uses only time rush and melee skill (Hold LB + B near an enemy). First you have to clear the enemies in this area and avoid the bombs from the boss.

Honestly you need only the time rush + melee skill and some pistol bullets to kill the boss easily ) First of all, you can not damage the boss directly.

Some users have really problems here, so I have create a short video and write down my strategy. Hard is not really hard in this game except the final boss fight. To obtain the hard achievement via timeline, you have to replay ALL chapter (chapter 1 - 5) AND as last chapter 5-3 to get your achievement. You can replay all chapter via timeline / chapter select to obtain the hard achievement, is not needed to start a complete new playthrough. The hard achievements stacks with the casual and normal difficulty achievements, so if you beat the game on hard, you will obtain all 3 difficulty achievements at once at the end.